Website Design & Development
This page represents a collection of website design and website development projects that I have had my hand in, widely ranging in uses from personal portfolios to professional business web presences. Some of these websites are brand new additions to the internet universe, others are redesigned or upgraded versions of existing sites. Many of these projects have been built using robust content management systems such as Joomla or WordPress to allow for easy updates and upgrades to both the content and styling. Do you have a custom personal or business website idea? I can let you know what it will take to turn your idea into a reality. Shoot me an email!
Lawson Screen & Digital’s Web Presence - Lawson Screen & Digital is a screen printing equipment manufacturer based in St. Louis, MO. Lawson already had a Joomla website that needed an upgrade to its site design and security. I upgraded the existing installation of Joomla and its extensions to a more secure version (from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5) and created a ..
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GoExpressJet Website Re-Design - This website re-design is an upgrade to the site design and security for the online brochure of Lawson’s Express Jet Printers. I upgraded the existing installation of Joomla and its extensions to a more secure version (from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5) and created a template coded for the new version.
Restretch Website Re-Design - This is a website re-design for the Screen Printing Frame Re-stretching service provided by Lawson Screen and Digital. This design was built upon a Joomla content management system to allow for easier site design and content updates in the future.
Pretreat Express Website Design - This is a website design for Pretreat Express, a brochure-style site for a product line of pretreat sprayers for direct-to-garment printing manufactured by Lawson Screen and Digital. This site utilizes simple CSS and PHP coding which does limit the ease of quick content updates, but does provide for an extremely fast user experience, even on ..
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Multi-Tech Website Design Concept - This is a website design concept for Multi-Tech, a manufacturer of plastisol ink and screen printing chemicals. This design was built upon a Joomla content management system to allow for easy site design and content updates in the future.
Redwood Burl Website Design - This website design was created for Redwood Burl, a northern California company that specializes in creating and distributing custom rustic redwood furniture. This new design not only made a more appealing and more easily-navigable user experience, but also created a standard system for the company to easily upload new products.
Edgewild Winery Mobile Design - This mobile design was developed for the WordPress-based website of Edgewild Winery in order to provide a more user-friendly experience for the establishment’s patrons using a mobile device.
Website Design for the Hawai`i Partnership for Achieving Student Success - This website contains a custom style with a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and an accompanying image package to give IEBC’s new data portal, the Hawai`i Partnership for Achieving Student Success, the look and feel of Hawaiian education. This custom CSS style package was custom tailored for the Kentico content management system.
Marin History Museum Website Design - This website concept is a re-design proposal for Marin History Museum in order to create a dynamic web experience that is easy to manage, yet also easy for users to navigate. This re-design incorporates database technology in order for automatic information updates of time-sensitive material, as well as a more concise navigation menu.
Adagia Bella Gardens’ Website - This simple website was designed as a concept for showcasing the Adagio Bella Gardens meeting space while it was being built, and the two hotels it is associated with.
Tennessee Baha’i School Website Design Concept - This is a website design concept for Tennessee Baha’i School, a Baha’i Institute/School that takes place each year, usually over Labor Day weekend. This design was built upon a Joomla content management system to allow for easy site design and content updates in the future.
Pinetree Institute Website Design - This website concept is a proposed Joomla redesign of the Pinetree Institute’s current site. This new design concept offers easy access to a front-end editor for minor content changes. It also offers a robust back-end content management system where the site designer can do anything from add a new article to completely change the design ..
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